Thursday, January 01, 2009

Baby New Year

A new year is upon us and it has been almost two years since I have posted. I read over my last posting and it is amazing how things just don't really change and I am still working on the same things. I am sitting here late late at night trying to sleep, but not able to because of a cough that is making it absolutely impossible. It is good though because this is something I wanted to do and I am able to because sleep is beyond my grasp right this moment.
So here we are with Baby New Year in our arms and eager to jump in again. This year has proven to be a whopper! The United States has voted in its first president of color and we will be saying goodbye to a man who has led this country into some crazy places. The worlds economy is in shambles and it doesn't look as though things will get any better in this new year, (I am not blaming the last man mentioned soley with the colapse of the economy). There is change a coming and like the birth of a baby it will be uncomfortable and even painful, but it will be worth it. Everyone I know is going through some uncomfortable events in their lives, I know no one who is untouched. This birthing process I believe will be longer than we all would like, but relatively short in the scheme of things. I don't mean to sound apocalyptic, quite the opposite, because I believe that there is a greater world to be had at the other end of all this, it just isnt going to come without a price. I am sure our western stadard of living will be compromised more than we would like...but other than that who knows? It is all an open blank book at this point and I am looking forward to a great read.
What would the new year be without some resolutions....

1>YOGA everday in some form, even a little. Just showing up to the mat even for a few moments.
2>Posting on this blog. Writing more, getting my thoughts out and really looking at them.
3> in progress, but I need to put it down.
4> Be patient with my oldest son, love him, accept him, guide him gently. That one is actually number one, but without the YOGA I own't be able to do it.
5> Accept and love...ME.

So here is to a great year, with all the twists and turn a great novel can take you on, so will this calender year 2009.
Love, Light, Laughter and PEACE

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