Monday, October 16, 2006

Another Day on the Path

One of our feathered friends in my garden.

I am dedicated to a idea called the Compact, no purchasing anything new for a year. It has been four days for me and with all the time I am taking to figure out this blog thing, I probably won't have time for a year. My DH is on board, but he promised DS a halloweenie costume so they went to get that for him. I got on e-bay last night to look to see about used legos for Christmas, and wow what a world out there. Now I am also trying to declutter my life, so I can't spend much time there.
I do have exceptions for the year... my sister who hasn't been home with her 3 children EVER for Christmas, is coming. We have chosen names and I will buy a presant for my nephew who I chose. I also will allow myself some plant nursery expenditures. I love to garden, but I am going to keep it as much as possible to edibles and at least permanent perrenials, or things I grow from seed and cuttings. So there... I am not sure I am making myself clear, I am doing all this with one hand as my DS2 is breastfeeding back to sleep.

I wanted to acknowledge a blog that is SO INSPIRING, a must look for everyone wanting to simplify and downscale. Go take a look...
Walk Slowly, Live Wildly

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