Monday, October 23, 2006

The Compact and Choices

Edible plants and herbs from our Vista, Farmer's Market. Cilantro, perennial Basil with clove scent, Society Garlic and Vietnamese Coriander.

When first thinking about joining the Compact, I worried about my love of gardening. Often I buy too many annuals that die within the season, just so I would have to buy again to fill up the spaces. It was wasteful, but I love to garden. So I made the stipulation with myself that yes I can still garden and buy plants but that they had to be either edible, herbal or native to my area. I will also allow myself to buy seed packets for annuals that I just can't do without, Snapdragons and Pansies to name a few. Now to watch these babies grow.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow! I really like how you worked your love of gardening into compacting. Edible plants can be beautiful plants too. I'm excited to watch your blog.